**We now have two locations!** Please make sure to double-check where your class is located using the information detailed on your class listing. Bookworm Pottery & Co. is in The Cargo District, and The Cozy Bookwyrm is in The South Front District.
Monthly Independent Studio Time Membership (FOR CURRENT/PAST WHEEL SERIES STUDENTS ONLY)
Pottery Date Night Gift Card
Pottery Workshop Gift Card
Gift Card for Bookworm Pottery & Co.
Pottery Wheel Clay Dates for Two **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Kiln Rental - Stay at Home Potters
The Small Pottery Wheel + Mini Rib Set Bundle
Planter Making Workshop (SATURDAY, 3/15) **CARGO DISTRICT LOCATION**
The Small Pottery Wheel + Mini Rib Set + Mini Trimmer Pro Bundle
Flower Vase Workshop (SATURDAY, 3/29) **CARGO DISTRICT LOCATION**
Teacup Making Workshop (SATURDAY, 3/22) **CARGO DISTRICT LOCATION**
Coffee & Clay Pottery Wheel Session (SATURDAY, 3/15) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Cowboy Hat Incense Burner Workshop (SATURDAY, 3/22) **CARGO DISTRICT LOCATION**
Donate a cup of coffee!
Mushroom House Workshop (SATURDAY, 3/29) **CARGO DISTRICT LOCATION**
Pottery Wheel Date Night (SATURDAY, 3/15) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Pottery Wheel Date Night (SATURDAY, 3/8) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Candle Pouring Workshop with Rivenbark & Co. (SUNDAY, 3/16) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Large Mug Making Workshop (SATURDAY, 3/15) **CARGO DISTRICT LOCATION**
Pottery Wheel Date Night (FRIDAY, 3/21) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Pottery Wheel Date Night (FRIDAY, 3/14) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**
Bookworm Pottery “Clay Creates Community” Unisex Shirt
6-Week INTERMEDIATE Wheel Series (WEDNESDAYS, 4/2-5/7)
Coffee & Clay Pottery Wheel Session (SATURDAY, 3/29) **THE COZY BOOKWYRM LOCATION**